You know the hysterical movie where Robin Williams takes his family on vacation in an RV?
Yep, the one in which he gets covered in poo trying to empty the septic tank.
How bout National Lampoons Summer Vacation?
You know, Chevy Chase and fam head out across the country to Wally World and all sorts of funny stuff happen to them?
Two funny movies about family road trips.
This evening we have embarked on our own summer road trip!
That's right, John, the kids, the 65 lb dog, and I are cruising down interstate 79 south in WV.
Yep, we are in the RV, all of us together.
John is driving, Trace is all buckled into his car seat in the copilots seat, Taylor is buckled into the chair in the living room watching Bolt, and I'm laying on the couch blogging and facebooking from the trusty Palm Pre.
Oh, yeah, Bandit is stretched out beside the couch sleeping.
So far, so good.
But it's a long way to Myrtle Beach.
We are just going to mosey along, as we are not expected at the campground until Sunday afternoon. We are hoping to hit the NC Zoo tomorrow.
Wish us luck, hopefully none of us gets covered in poo along the way!
{Christmas 2023}
6 months ago