Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So, last week Trace, my mom, and I made the trip to Baltimore for his check-ups at Johns Hopkins. We were lucky enough to get to stay at the Believe in Tomorrow Children's House, which is such a wonderful place! The staff and volunteers there are so great, Miss Cathy even had Trace help her feed the fish each morning! Plus, it is a block away from the hospital, so it is super convenient! Trace had a blast playing with some new friends in the playroom there as well.

We saw Dr. Hoover-Fong, Trace's Geneticist, and Dr. Ain, Trace's Orthopaedic Surgeon. Dr. Hoover-Fong was very happy with Trace, although worried about his leg bowing... then we saw Dr. Ain and were told that Trace needs his legs before summer. Wow, we knew that his legs would need straightened eventually, but from previous visits we were thinking like around age 7, so this was kind of a shock. We don't have anything scheduled yet, as we are waiting on a call back from Shriner's Hospital to see if doing some lengthening with the straightening is an option. We want to do what is best for Trace and are going to explore the options available.

We did get to meet up with Amanda and Parker at Arundel Mills, which was nice! Parker was so adorable yelling "Taaaaace"! The boys explored Bass Pro Shops and the Disney Store for a while, then we ate at Johnny Rockets. It was great to see them again, and I can tell you that Parker and Trace will be terrorizing retail outlets and playgrounds together in the future!

Yes, that is a black eye that Trace is proudly sporting, he fell off a chair during one of his climbing acts and caught his eye on the seat on the way down. His eye was on day 3 for these pictures. Gotta love the looks you get from people when they say "Oh my, what happened to his eye" and you say "He fell off a chair" and they say "Yeah" when they are obviously convincing themselves that we must have hit him...

We also got to make a trip to the National Aquarium and catch the Dolphin Show! Trace is kinda scared of aquariums, but he LOVED the dolphin show. The dolphins are amazing and did lots of really cool tricks showing off their skills! It is a definite MUST SEE if you are in the Baltimore area. Trace also really enjoyed the Jellyfish exhibit, it was really cool!

After the aquarium, we went over to Barnes and Noble so that Trace could play at the train table (he actually remembered this from when we met the Greene family there a year before) and ate a yummy dinner at Houlihans. Mom and I also got in some retail therapy at the Prime Outlets in Hagerstown on the way home - Gymboree and Children's Place were the big winners of all my hard earned money!

Although the appointments didn't go as great as they could have, it was still a good trip! The idea of surgery is scary, but it is what it is and Trace will be much better off. We see Trace's neurosurgeon in Pittsburgh next week, we don't have any concerns on that front, so hopefully it will go as expected and there are no surprises there.


  1. Darn it ~ I'm sorry you didn't get the best news from Dr. Ain. I'm with you on thinking that usually they don't straighten legs until 7 or 8 years of age. Keep us posted! Yeah for meeting Parker & Amanda. Those boys do look like trouble together, but so cute!

  2. I'm glad that you guys had a good trip to Baltimore! Bummer that Trace needs his legs straightened sooner than you thought, but like you said, Trace will be much better off. We have been in the wait and see mode with Simon's legs.
    Yay for meeting up with Amanda and Parker! Trace and Parker do look like they can cause a lot of trouble together! :) We really missed meeting up with you guys, but hopefully, we'll see you after the holidays!
    I'm glad Trace liked the dolphin show and jelly fish exhibit! They were Simon's favorites too!
    I love stopping at the outlets in Hagerstown, and Children's Place is usually the store that ends up with most of our shopping money too!
    Good luck with the neuro appointment next week! We'll keep our fingers crossed that there are no surprises!

  3. Looks like Seamus and Parker are best buddies! They are so cute together! That sure is one heck of a shiner! Poor guy! I hear ya on the stares, I swore I was going to have CPS called on us when Sonya was in her spica. I hope everything goes well with leg straightening surgery and Monica is so glad to have contact with you! I hope she has answered a good bit for ya! Wow! Those jelly fish pic's are awesome! We will have to make a point of going there when we are down for our appointment with Dr. Ain! Gotta love Gymboree and The Childrens Place! They have all my money too! Wishing you luck at Trace's neuro appointment! If there is any way that you will be close to Philly, maybe we could plan a meet? Hugs!!!

  4. Sorry to hear that Trace will be needing his legs straightened sooner than you thought. But like the doc said, it will be better for Trace. YAY for POLP meet-ups. Love getting together with our friends. So will you guys be heading to Nashville or will Traces surgery put a damper on that? Hopefully we'll see you there.

  5. I'm so sorry you got some disappointing news. I know it's not easy trying to digest the information that your baby will need surgery. We'll be thinking of Trace all the way! So glad that you got to have a fun meet-up with Parker. We should try to organize a big get-together with all the Northeast/New England families, since we all seem to frequent the same cities!

  6. Sorry the appointments didn't go quite as you were expecting, but at least he's young enough that he should bounce back quickly! Hopefully you guys will be able to make it down to Nashville next summer? Sounds like it's going to be a MAJOR POLP meet-n-greet... And, I totally hear you with the injury thing, I've noticed Nik and I are getting A LOT more stares since she's had her cast on! People just love to be judgemental and stupid, don't take it personally!

  7. I know I totally owe you a phone call! Stupid me. I have the info for you. I love the pics of Parker and Trace. They are so cute together. I am also happy to hear the Houlihans is still in existence. I used to have one by me in college and lived for their baked potato soup. Yummmmm!I am also laughing that he too loves Barnes and Noble because of the train table. Preston loves the train table there.
    On to Trace's appointment. I think you are wise to pursue opinions from other doctors. If he is going to have external fixators that is what they do for lengthening. But the only thing I don't know is best age to start.

  8. Sorry again to hear the news that Trace needs surgery sooner than expected. Everything will turn out great! He's such a cutie even with a shiner. What is it with that darn train table at Barnes and Noble...Aidan loves that table!!

  9. We hope that your appointment with the neuro will be an easier one...Trace is such a sweet boy and Parker too! Such a buddies! It reminds me of Amelia's Baltimore fun and her wonderful friend - Ivy, I hope we can all get together with your boys someday.... IF Trace needs surgery - you will be in best hands, as you probably know. And perhaps that's a bit comforting.....
    Sending you good energy and prayers!

  10. It was so good to see you all! I'm so glad you could meet us at the mall. You are right -- our boys will definately get into some trouble together as they get older. :-)
